Flying Solo: A Star Wars Zine is an upcoming charity fan anthology project that celebrates the fifth anniversary of the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Highlighting the characters and events from the film, this zine will feature original artwork and writing in a digital PDF format. All proceeds will be donated to the Black Trans Travel Fund!

"Flying Solo" is an unofficial, non-profit Star Wars fan project not affiliated with Lucasfilm.


General Info
- All contributors will be responsible for creating a new and original piece centered around Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Applicants must be at least 16 or older (please be aware that adults will be working on and running this zine - use discretion)
- Contributors must have a Discord account and be willing to join our group server (this will be our primary source of communication so consistently checking for updates and responding to mods is a must!)
- Applicants who create or condone offensive or discriminatory (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, incestuous, pedophilic, etc.) content/behaviour, fictional or otherwise, will not be accepted

Layout/Formatting Mod Applications
- At least 2 completed samples and/or a portfolio of previous layout work
- Must have experience and access to a publishing software (ie. InDesign)
- If accepted, will be responsible for providing templates for contributors, formatting the zine for release (scheduled for May 2023), and being a responsible member of the moderator team

Artist Applications
- At least 2 completed sample pieces
- Link to portfolio (ie. Google Drive folder, website, dedicated art social media account, a Twitter thread/moment, Tumblr tag, etc.)
- Application pieces must be SFW but portfolio can contain NSFW
- If accepted, will be responsible for creating a single page illustration, a two page spread, or a multi page comic

Writer Applications
- At least 2 completed sample pieces (3k words max each)
- Excerpts from longer works are allowed
- Link to portfolio (ie. AO3 account, Google Drive folder, website, Tumblr tag, etc.)
- Application pieces must be SFW but portfolio can contain NSFW
- If accepted, will be responsible for writing a 1k to 3k word short story or meta essay/article


*All scheduling dates are subject to change. Any changes will be announced to contributors through Discord and publicly on our social medias.

Interest CheckOct 13 - 27
Mod/Contributor ApplicationsNov 1 - 30
Application ResultsDec 10
Acceptance DeadlineDec 17
Pitch DeadlineJan 4
First Check-InJan 30
Second Check-InFeb 28
Third Check-In (Final Pieces Due)Mar 28
Sales PeriodMay 10 - Jun 10
Free ReleaseAug 8


Hobbyist artist and movie critic, full-time Alden Han fan. As pilot, they are hosting the zine and flying the ship into battle! With her (self awarded) PhD in all things Solo: A Star Wars Story and love of editing and putting together newsletters, she is in charge of organization and social media.
twitter / tumblr

Professional Spider-Man enjoyer and uncredited Community movie ghost writer. As co-pilot, they are navigating the ship through obstacles! With her experience modding for "The Calorum Cookbook" and "The Buddy System Zine," they will be handling donations and assisting with organization.
twitter / twitter

All-around creative and professional Enfys Nest enjoyer. As gunner, she holds down the fort by firing her best designs on the enemy! With her Passion for Graphic Design and making and selling handmade crafts and zines, she is in charge of graphics.
twitter / instagram

Fledgling comic book artist and avid fan of space operas. As engineer, they maintain the ship with a fresh coat of paint and new parts after the mission! With their experience modding for "Rattle the Stars" and editing small press comics, they are in charge of formatting.
instagram / twitter


Q: What is a zine?
→ A zine (short for magazine) is a homemade/indie publication, like a small scale passion project made by one person or a group of friends. Since ours is a Solo fanzine, it will be an anthology booklet made up of fanart and fanfiction about Solo!

Q: Is this zine SFW?
→ Yes, this zine will only feature safe for work content. Any depictions of violence, injury, blood, and/or death will be as per typical Star Wars canon.

Q: Is this a charity or free zine?
→ With a scheduled release of May, the zine will be up for sale by donation. (There will be no set price — pay what you can!) All proceeds will go towards supporting the mutual aid collective Black Trans Travel Fund. Following the donation period, the zine will be available for free at a later date for all fans to enjoy! Exact dates will be announced closer to release.

Q: How many contributors will there be?
→ From the results of our interest check, we will be hosting about 15-20 contributors.

Q: Can I apply for multiple roles?
→ Yes, but contributors will only be chosen for one role (artist or writer). However, mods can also contribute art/writing along side performing their moderator role if they so choose.

Q: Are other Star Wars characters that aren't in Solo allowed?
→ Yes, but only in minor/cameo roles. This is a Solo centric zine after all.

Q: Are AUs allowed?
→ Preferably no since we aim to highlight the canon material, but contributors can discuss this with mods during pitch. Mild canon divergence is permitted.

Q: Is romantic/ship content allowed?
→ Depictions of canon relationships from the film (ex. Han/Qi'ra, Val/Beckett) will be allowed as well Han/Lando due to popular demand! The inclusion of any other ships will need to be discussed with mods.

Q: I have a question that isn't listed here. What do I do?
→ Feel free to reach out to us! You can @ or DM us on all our socials (@flyingsolozine), send us an ask on Tumblr or CuriousCat, or email us at [email protected].